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华为5G CPE Pro 荣获中国电子信息博览会金奖-国际在线:2021-4-9 · 4月9日,在工信部和深圳市政府主办的中国电子信息博览会(CITE)上,华为5G CPE Pro斩获组委会颁布的最高奖项——中国电子信息博览会金奖! 据悉,该奖项经由两院院士等专家学者,根据申报单位 …
This bold effort will take the support of all of us doing our part to spread the word, give what we can and help mobilize a passionate army of ambassadors.
7 Papers & Radios | 谷歌等提出超越Adam的二阶梯度优化 ...:2021-3-1 · 原标题:7Papers&Radios|谷歌等提出超越Adam的二阶梯度优化;Hinton参与偏转对抗攻击新研究机器之心&ArXivWeeklyRadiostation参与:杜伟,楚航,罗若天本周的重要论文有谷歌大脑与普林斯顿大学等机构提出的超越Adam
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Campaign Goal
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We’re TCU. And We Can’t Wait.
The greater good is a noble pursuit. As human beings sharing one planet, we should always work toward changing our world for the better, solving humanity’s toughest challenges. Some might be intimidated by these challenges, choosing to wait for someone else to step up and take the lead. But we’re TCU. And we can’t wait.
When we lead the charge, we lead the change.
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